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      Gun Sling  GUN SLINGS
      shotgun sling

      Waterfowl hunters, especially duck hunters, depend on a quality gun sling. A sling serves many purposes on a hunt, including keeping the muzzle pointed up and safely away from yourself and others while performing hunt activities. The sling also allows the duck hunter to deploy decoys, brush hunting blinds and retrieve birds while keeping the shotgun close at hand. A sling is also a dry, handy method of stowing your gun when hunting flooded timber or large open water areas. Consider and adjustable sling that will comfortable accommodate varying layers of hunting clothes or wader styles.

      Rifle Gun Sling

      Deer and big game hunters often stalk for miles. A rifle is far less of a load with a good gun sling and with a sling, the hands remain free to glass or assist with treacherous climbs. Again, consider an adjustable sling to accommodate various hunting jackets as well as backpacks.

      Use a gun sling on your next hunt and discover the advantages of hands free firearm transport.