Hunting deer and predators with a shotgun generally means very large lead shot, commonly referred to Buckshot, and/or rifled slugs. And, while almost any shotgun will shoot these loads, using a choke tube specifically designed for deer, predators and other large game will increase the shotgun's accuracy over an extended range. Since the shotgun has a much shorter lethal range than center fire rifles which are commonly used in taking large game such as deer, the hunter using the scatter gun is immediately at a disadvantage compared to the rifle hunter. Selecting and utilizing the correct choke tube for large shot and riffled slugs, will mitigate this disadvantage and improve your odds of success and a clean shot. And, with the cost a a quality choke only fractions of the cost of the the hunting clothes and hunting gear that most hunters pile into the truck, it should be obvious that a good choke tube is the most economical way to improve your hunt. Hunt like a pro with deer and predator choke tubes that are specifically designed and constructed to provide maximum performance of large lead shot and rifled slug loads.