The thrill of outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, cycling or what have you is what many of us live for. And, the first thought we should carry outdoors is - SAFETY and the safety equipment that protects us from the many hazards afield. In addition to safe practices and safety rules such as safe gun handling and the rules of the road for boating, using the best safety equipment for your activity will keep your family and yourself safe season after season. Eye and hearing protection should always be included in shooting or firearm hunting activities and never push off the dock without adequate PFDs for everyone on board.

To assure that you get the best protection and service from your safety gear, training and proper use of safety equipment is essential. Always read the manufacture's instructions and procedures before using any safety device and practice before an emergency arises and you are presented with an unrehearsed event. The excitement, fear and danger of any event is minimized when a safety procedure has been practiced.
From PFDs to hearing protection; protective snake gear to safety boots; at Texas Fowlers you will find great products to make your outdoor activities safer. So get your safety equipment, learn the proper use and go like a pro with confidence.