Welcome to our Ducks Unlimited Store where you will find the best DU merchandise. DU gear and Duck Unlimited clothing that will make your hunt more productive while you hunt like a pro.

DU merchandise sales are special. Not only are our Ducks Unlimited products quality products for the waterfowler, a portion of all our DU sales go direct to wetlands conservation. Ducks Unlimited was founded in 1937, a small group of conservation philanthropists decided it was time to focus on the decreasing duck populations, and the habitat necessary to sustain them in Canada, and they formed Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Ducks Unlimited Canada was then incorporated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on March 10, 1937.Other DU chapters have since begun operation in Latin America, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia.

DU has become a leader in duck habitat conservation and has conserved more than 12.8 million acres (46,900 km²) of waterfowl habitat in North America Ducks Unlimited partners with a wide range of corporations, governments, other non-governmental organizations, landowners, and private citizens to restore and manage areas that have been degraded and to prevent further degradation of existing wetlands. DU is also active in working to recommend government policies that improve wetlands and the environment. DU generates $180 million annually, of which a minimum of 80 percent goes directly towards habitat conservation. Buying Duck Unlimited merchandise contributes to this fund and benefits biodiversity, water quality, the environment, and the economy n the areas in which it DU is active.
Shop our DU Store for great deals on products that you can count on in the field. Decorate your home or lodge with DU Bedding or hit the hunt in your new DU shirt. And, save on our everyday low prices and closeout specials.